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Women Empowerment- The Brainwonders Way!

17 October,2018  |  By Brainwonders

Women Empowerment- This week, the Indian Subcontinent has been all about women. It has however come out in two paradoxical forms- at one end #metoo has been catching fire for burning reasons, on the other hand diyas are being lighted so that the Goddess Durga brightens up the lives of one and all.

It is said that woman was created after man. That sounds true as every masterpiece is preceded by some rough work. The rough life that women are supposed to follow is not justified in any context. Today we have women bringing laurels, reaching space, and leading nations in various parts of the globe. Women and men are born with their own unique set of traits and competencies. However, if one does not recognise and explore these strengths just because there are other people holding back, the whole ‘progress’ of humanity stands flawed.

That is the precise reason why Brainwonders is providing women a first free consultation for career counselling this week. Using the standardised DMIT, multiple intelligence tests, IQ testonline aptitude test and psychometric tests which is followed by expert career counselling and guidance by certified psychologists, Brainwonders aims to encourage women to get wings and fly to reach the heights they deserve to.

This DUSSERA, along with BRAINWONDERS, let us all take a step to not be an obstacle to the growth and development of women and humanity at large. Once the women realise what they are capable of, there is nothing stopping them- whether it is personal or professional. Let gender equality win over the evil of disparity and backward thought. A HAPPY NAVRATRI AND VIJAY DASHMI TO ALL!

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