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NEET 2020: Ready or Not?

30 March,2020  |  By Brainwonders

Neet 2020- Amidst the worldwide crisis known as Coronavirus or COVID-19, the realisation of the value of healthcare professionals has only risen magnanimously.

As the healthcare industry is overwhelmed with the influx of patients during this pandemic, the NEET 2020 previously scheduled for 3rd May 2020 stands postponed

Aspiring medical experts may think of this as a setback as one prepares with sweat and blood continuously for years to be able to clear the exam. However, one must not get demotivated but use this as an opportunity to sharpen oneself to fly through the NEET exams when it knocks on the door:

  1. This is a time when one can go for US Patented DMIT or Online Psychometric Test to prepare themselves using the SWOT Profile.
  2. Now that there are a few more weeks at hand, use the time to cover up on previously ignored topics.
  3. Utilise the lockdown time to develop and follow a realistic study plan based on your learning styles and motivational factors.
  4. Remember to practice the physics and chemistry sets as well to improve your overall results as your competitors will also have a fair grasp in biology.
  5. Get a career counselling session with the best career counsellors in your area to contemplate your future decisions to boost your professional life.

Recommended Read: 10 Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated at Home

More importantly, as future doctors and healthcare experts, it is important to stay safe and follow all the regulations set by the government and professional organisations and be an example to others.

Brainwonders is a renowned career guidance centre providing online sessions and assessments to students and parents with their DMIT services being personally vouched by more than 700 medical and healthcare experts pan-India.

The tests and counsellings incorporate SWOT profiling, exam planning, parenting suggestions and personality recommendations to ensure comprehensive development to maximise one’s innate talents and potentials.

Understanding the pandemic, Brainwonders have taken initiatives to provide online biometric collection for DMIT analysis, online psychometric tests like IQ, Interest-Aptitude and Personality Assessment, Video Counselling Sessions with expert psychologists and webinar sessions for career planning.

Reach them on 9987766531/ 9987766535 to judiciously utilise the COVID19 lockdown and be ready to conquer the NEET 2020 exams!

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  022 4016 3399

  [email protected]

A- 101, Suchita Enclave, Off. Chandavarkar road, Maharashtra Nagar, Borivali West, Mumbai