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Importance of Career Counselling

23 April,2020  |  By Brainwonders

Why is Career Counselling important?

5 Reasons Showing The Importance Of Career Counselling: If you have ever thought about your identity, or what defines someone- one’s career is definitely one of the aspects that comes into the mind. It is no secret that a career is one of the most important dimensions of a person’s life. With several people working every day toward their career choices- the world is constantly seeking the best professionals. Hence, it is of no doubt that career counselling is a necessity of everyone- irrespective of their age and background.

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Here are the top 5 reasons why people realise the importance of career counselling:

WHICH: Which career path is the best for me? Which options to choose from? 

A career counselling session helps one to choose and explore the career options which is the best for them. It is important that one pursues a career where their strengths are amplified and the expectations are met otherwise it leads to unfulfilled professional potential.

WHAT: What are the courses I have to take? What are activities I can take up?

A student needs to meet some academic requirements in order to qualify for a specific career. The educational decisions like board selection, stream selection and subject selection are crucial and define a career path one needs to tread- opening some doors if done right.

HOW: How do I develop skills to compete? How do I improve?

Whether it is a professional skill one needs to study or a soft skill to develop- learning and continuous up-gradation of subject knowledge and continuous personal growth help one to mark and maintain a lead in the choice field- specifically in this competitive world.

WHEN: When should I start preparing for the exam? When to apply for an internship?

Considering that each person is unique, everyone builds their profile differently. An in-depth session with a career guide helps one to be more future-oriented and prepared for any challenges they need to face. This ensures that one gran all opportunities at the right time.

WHY: Why am I not succeeding in one subject? Why am I feeling so demotivated?

Obstacles always show up when one least expects it. Though cannot be avoided as they actually are stepping stones to success, one can always make the best of these situations by learning about what is holding them back and convert them into a learning and growing experience.

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Hence, the importance of career counselling continues to rise as it helps in laying out a complete map for one’s professional life. The process of career counselling is usually made up of the following steps:

  1. Taking a career test
  2. Analysis of the report with the top 10 suitable career options
  3. Career counselling session

One needs to avail career guidance only from the best, and 5-time national award winner- Brainwonders’ the team is reputed to be the best career counsellor in India. With people from every age availing either the US Patented DMIT or Online Psychometric Test like IQ and Aptitude Test- there is no reason why anyone availing a career counselling process will have any problems in fulfilling happy and contented career destiny.

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