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Career Assessment Test its Importance and Effectiveness

23 April,2020  |  By Brainwonders

Career Assessment Test : Importance and Effectiveness – Career Counselling is the buzzword since time immemorial. Career guidance thus draws a lot of attention from students and adults alike. There are two primary reasons for this:

  1. As much as there are a variety of career options, there is ignorance and confusion about the same.
  2. Career being a life changing decision, demands a lot of preparation and dedication and thus cannot be taken around lightly.

One must take this decision head on. Though there are several ways in which one can explore and invest their time in career planning. However, trial and error approaches do not go well with important life events. Most of the childhood and teenager is focussed on preparing for a career while adulthood is consumed by making it a successful one. Hence, taking a career assessment by a career counsellor is extremely helpful to take up a career decision. These are the 5 major reasons why one should go for a career test right now:

  1. SWOT Analysis: Knowing one’s strengths and weakness, personal traits in an unbiased way is key in making choices that are better aligned towards the person’s growth.
  2. Setting targets: Once the goal is clear, one needs to work out the details like right courses, certifications, colleges and many other aspects.
  3. Stress free preparation: Strategy and smart work will make your hard work shine without taking a toll on your health and wellbeing.
  4. Success: Once one sets on a career path, one can keep promoting themselves to upscale their performance for better results.
  5. Support System: Whether it is the parents and teachers or the spouse and children, they can always keep one motivated for improvement once they understand the analysis of the person.

Thus, career tests prove to be a popular and reliable choice for everyone. From school board selection to subject and stream selection for students, finding right colleges and internships for teenagers and young adults or excelling in the job getting a work-life balance- career assessments are a solution for every professional problem. There are many career tests, leading career counselling company- Brainwonders has been nationally awarded for their online psychometric assessments which has been top choice of educators and corporates alike. Thus, one can opt for a DMIT TestIQ testAptitude testPersonality Test or Interest Inventory test to get a personal analysis to not only understand oneself and suitable career options but also use it repeatedly to track the progress. One can further avail a consultation with a qualified career counsellor to set up and understand their own career guide to follow. Here is how:

Step 1: Register on Brainwonders website for a career test of your choice.

Step 2: Take the test online

Step 3: Get the analysis and report

Step 4: Identify and set the steps to reach your dream career

Step 5: Avail the option of career counselling to amplify the benefits of the test results

So use this time wisely to take a Career Assessment Test and follow it with a career guidance session by a career counsellor and map out the career path that chooses you. Avoid any social pressure, herd mentality and a little setbacks that pull you down into making unfavourable decisions. With a career assessment- step into the career with a confident smile!

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