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Brainwonders Rescues Tourism Industry

15 October,2020  |  By Brainwonders

“Covid-19 hits the industries and the economy worldwide” headlines of every news, but the industry which took the major hit was travel & tourism. In a situation like this, what should the travel industry owner do, as this situation would last for at least for a year? Now let's have a real evaluation from the industry perspective

Few questions bothering us

  • When will the tours and travels start
  • How much of family travel will happen
  • How do we generate constant funds for the same?
  • What's a future road map
  • Where do I invest my time and money in?


Now you may ask why Brainwonders, what do they do Edutech -you mean, Education Sector and technology,  Eh? Really, I have always been in a secured travel business where my client knows where they will want to go, I just make their journey easy by making their flight bookings, sightseeing, hotel bookings and in short ensuring that they reach their destination safely.

Now let’s have a quick look at what Brainwonders does. Brainwonders helps identify the child’s innate intelligence and lets their parents know about the right stream, college, career, industry and counsel them And how do we do that we use the latest genetic intelligence test along with the tried and tested aptitude test and guide them towards the right career,

Recommended Read: Top 9 Factors to Make the Right Career Choice

Questions would boggle your brain that-

  • What next?
  • Where to invest?
  • Which is a safe industry to invest in?

The answer to all your questions is Brainwonders, an education sector, where we guide students to understand their true innate potential. Brainwonders is not only covid proof but also recession-proof. As we counsel students with the help of the tests to reach their goal.

You must be wondering how an individual who’s been in the travel industry works in the education industry; Education and Travel are the same. Just the same way we organize and plan everything for the client right from their car travel, hotel, train, flight, everything possible to reach the destination the same way we at Brainwonders help the child to reach their destination which is their goal, their career.

  • Tourism (suitable commute)↔ Destination 

  • Education (Brainwonders)↔ Career

Investing at Brainwonders is like investing to buy a Vento or a Hyundai car (approx 5=12 lakhs). The only difference is the vehicle cost depreciates whereas Brainwonders cost appreciates. So what for are you waiting for- buy the futuristic vehicle named Brainwonders and earn a lifelong profit.


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