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Board Selection

15 October,2020  |  By Brainwonders

How we can help you?

School is known to be a child’s second home. We know that your child is your greatest treasure- we also need to ensure that you find an equally precious place to nurture your child so that they can realize their true potential.

That is why selecting the right school is of paramount importance- and Brainwonders US Patented Genetic (DMIT) Test covers the following aspects to help you make the best suitable choice:


  • Personality Characteristics– how does the child think and behave, and how does the environment work with them
  • Learning Profile– how does the child prefer to acquire any knowledge/ skill, know which senses does the child rely on most
  • Board Selection– SSC/ ICSE`CBSE/ IB/ IGCSE or other; which board brings out the best in your child
  • Multidimensional Profile– the school needs to provide the platform for the development of a child’s talents and strengths
  • Areas to be developed- no one is perfect but that would not limit your child with expert recommendations at an early age


Your child holds the key to their genetic potential at their fingertips, and Brainwonders is offering their US Patented Technology to map and guide the same at Flat 50% Off!

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