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Best Career Development Tool

18 August,2017  |  By Brainwonders

With many career choices, a reliable career counseling and planning helps in guiding students, business school aspirants and employee seeking a career development, a progress in the current position or a switch in the career path.

Career planning/ counseling: Helping students choose best!

For student:

It would provide a powerful sense of direction, increasing the student’s motivation to succeed and to choose a career in their best interest.

For Business aspirant students:

A good career planning can provide a prospective student in career exploration and program planning; provide information about how the post secondary system works.

Before selecting courses, it is suggested to know the complete details of the program and course the student may show their interest in.

Professional career planning uses the best tools to provide a detailed, individual information, which would directly apply the information to selecting  educational courses, and  career options that will be most suited and motivating  for the student.

For employees and management executives:

Career planning helps in taking a closer look at the current role and assesses the values, skill and interests. It provides a framework to assist in planning the future. Career planning focuses on improving the employability, value, engagement, and performance of the employee.

What happens while planning a career ?

For Students:

Career planning revolves around education and possessing the self- knowledge to make successful career choices.

A complete comprehensive assessment test of aptitude, interests, personality and value, paints a realistic picture of an individual’s strengths and helps define achievable long-term goals.

For college/ business school aspirants:

The career counselor helps the student explore the following fields for easy decision- making and keeping up the interest of the students, keeping them motivated to achieve success.

  • Becoming a student for appropriate business school.
  • Selecting appropriate courses and to guide them with the required tests to be taken for the selection process.
  • Understanding admission requirements.
  • Information of the fees charged for the course and duration of the course.
  • Suggesting alternatives to succeed.
  • Developing study skills.

For corporate/employees

A main component of career development plan for employees is to set targets for small, medium, and long term goals. These are a five-year plan and can be determined by a candidate.

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Who helps them take the test?

For students/ business school aspirants:

A career consultant analysis the test results and discusses customized career and educational options with the client during personalized, one-on-one feedback and consultation sessions.

Following the assessment the candidate makes a decision, and develops a career plan to implement it, with the assistance of the consultant.

For employees /mid-level to senior level management:

Seniors / Supervisors/ Managers who can provide guidance and support but the career development plan is managed is done by the candidate himself as a part of self-evaluation. If the organization arranges a workshop for career counseling it is made personalized for each employee and  should be recommended one-on –one follow up to be provided which would  ensure a fine-tuning of their career plans and finalizes the ultimate career goal.

Why is career planning important?

Rapidly changing workplaces and increasing numbers in career choices have made

Career literacy as knowledge of one’s abilities and interest,

 Workplace as essential in successfully adapting to today’s job market.

Recommended Read: Importance of Career Counselling

The earlier individuals understand their unique talents, the sooner they can apply that knowledge to make satisfying career choices. Given that roughly 70% of Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs ( Gullup,2013), the need for career planning is significant.

How would career counseling at Brain Wonders benefit me?

This is a reasonable, but a hard question. Measuring the impact of learning is not easy. The counseling offers direction and insight that last for a lifetime. The results are printed, immediate and long-term as decisions are made and plans implemented.

Recommended Read: 8 Career Options that are Best for Women

Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., Agrawal, S., & Plowman, S. K. (2013). The relationship between engagement at work and organizational outcomes.Gallup Poll Consulting University Press, Washington.

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