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A year drop can help to decide on a career, but how to save a year?

24 July,2019  |  By Brainwonders

College’s out. Its summer time so most of you might be thinking about your career. What to do? Where to go? Should I again go to college? Should I take a break?

Most of your peers might be thinking about taking a year off and go backpacking through Europe, some might join a company to gain experience and save up for the next part of their education.

All this might be confusing for you and by now you might have decided to take a gap year. But a year drop can help you decide what career path you should choose and not only that you can save a year too!

A gap year will help you prepare for your future that will in-turn help you decide which career to choose and what path to take.

career guidance


During this time, you can also take the DMIT test that is offered by Brainwonders.

DMIT stands for Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test, it shows your innate qualities, personality, learning styles, etc. using your fingerprints.

It shows your innate qualities, personality, learning styles, etc. using your fingerprints.

Our fingerprints do not change, thus this test is bias-free and free of environmental influences. BRAINWONDERS is the only institution that uses the U.S patented DMIT test (7406186).

When you take a year break, you will have time to think better. In this time you can also explore your choices and your passion. You could always pursue your passion that will help you in the future and can also be added in your CV.

Breaks help you to perform better in college later. This will help you choose your subjects and other minor projects in college. Some students also complain about burnout.

Studying for 15 years without any break can lead to burnout which will affect the student’s academic life. During this time, the students tend to avoid studying and rather not pay attention to academics at all.

Many students start working right after college. This may be the cause of their burnout too.

Working right after school may not give them the time to travel the world and see new cultures. Use your gap year to travel the world, to gain experience, to learn a new course, to help in an animal shelter, etc. you could not do anything either and just kick back, read a book and enjoy the sun. All this will help you gain the independence that you crave.

You could also utilize this year gap by working in a company that will earn you some brownie points over others when you apply to colleges later.

Not only that but you will be able to save up for your textbooks and also for your tuition, this will help you get through easily. It will also add up to your experience.

BRAINWONDERS have excellent career guidance counselors and educational counselors.

They, with the help of the DMIT test, will help you decide which career options are optimal for you and which field will be helpful for you.

dmit test

DMIT Test of Brainwonders can help you save a year as well as make you know where your skills & talents lie!

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